08 April 2011

Albrecht Durer's Melancholia I

Melancholy of Albrecht Durer I is one of the most famous engravings in the history of art and remains a controversial and much discussed works of art piece. Albrecht Durer himself was someone who was a key member of the Northern Renaissance was a group of artists who followed successes and developments made by the Italian Renaissance painters who had come on a few years earlier.Melancholy, I even thought to convey feelings of melancholy and General unhappiness with a complex series of objects within the engraving all covering this particular series of emotions. Some academics have suggested that last had in fact his own emotions in the engraving at the time, but it is not known with certainty to be true. This is the amount of detail and high level of craftsmanship which makes the melancholy I such an impressive and respected engraving, with most of last other works being oil paintings.Notable prints by last included The Little Owl, the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, The Death Knight and The Devil, melancholia I, praying hands, Self Portrait, wing of a roll and Self Portrait at 26. Germany has long had a reputation for producing important artists which continues today but last must be among the most important of all for several reasons, including being its creativity and the development of several media different art rather than restrict itself just to one oil painting, sketch, water color or etching. The ability to reach many types of media is always a good sign of a true master, as seen with the masters of the Italian Renaissance in the early as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo which could achieve grandeur in sculpture, painting, drawing, invent and much more while having this huge a wide range of skills is rare, even for other masters.Reproductions of art became more and more popular in the past 50 years as more and more people learn and get to enjoy various different artists of all kinds of artistic movements. Those who loves original melancholy I engraving, clearly it would be expensive obtain their own engraved version created, but much rather choose high-quality printed reproductions art that capture the detail and artistic innovation of the original at a much more affordable price.Conclusion we can say that Melancholia I is the most impressive engraving of a highly skilled artists who have had success in different types of media art. There was a lot of paintings in oil as the colours of the water in his other outstanding works of art. Last was also a talented sketch and paints came with additional preparatory drawings which were also of high quality.