23 April 2011

Diabetic Retinopathy: Does Fish Oil Offer Hope?

Diabetes, a disease that affects millions of people in the United States is analogous to a fire in a House. Fire occurs. He expects his report, to find a fire in one piece. The fire began in a room of the House quickly spreads the corridor, then the back room, and then a bed room. If the fire is not rapidly contained, there is a real possibility of losing the entire House.Diabetes is the fire and the House is your BodyFor those who suffer from diabetes, such as fire, you must be on constant guard by dealing with your level of sugar in the blood. Diabetes is an insidious disease that left unchecked, will attack and destroy your body organs, cause coronary heart disease and may even through retinopathy cause blindness.RetinopathyExcessive diabetic blood glucose levels over time contribute to swelling and pressure on blood vessels of the retina. As these vessels expand, much like a balloon with too much air in it, they begin to bleed. This causes damage over time and may eventually lead to a damaged retina. It's not like getting chest pain; you have no much warning and the situation if it is identified, can cause permanent damage to the retina and eventually blindness.Is there a way to detect this problem?Each diabetic if a type one or two, should have an eye exam at least once a year. Damage to the retina begins the day you become diabetic. Because you can not see any changes or feel any symptoms does not mean anything. The clock is ticking and you should check with an ophthalmologist annually to monitor change. Most experts will tell you that if you are in a tight with blood sugar control, with an A1C level 7 or below, won't see it signs of damage till year fifteen.What are the treatment Options?The best thing you can do is to keep your blood glucose to tight control and do not have much weight. Each strain you put on your system, either outside of control blood sugars, excess weight, high blood pressure, increases the pressure on your entire system, including the blood vessels in your eyes. Short of tight blood glucose, the laser surgery is also an option. Once the bleeding starts blood vessels even this surgery is only a temporary solution.Good News on treatment with Omega 3 fish OilNew the Boston children's hospital medical research has found that a diet rich in omega 3 fish oil has shown less abnormal growth of blood vessels of the retina. This conclusion is consistent with other medical studies promote the anti-inflammatory effects of Omega 3 fish oil. Fatty acids in fish oil have a direct impact on the fight against inflammation in every part of the body including the eyes. The effect of Omega 3 fish oil rich is essentially as let some air of a balloon that is expanding at the break. Only, it goes without saying that this research corroborates the earlier findings of the positive effects of fish oil on the arteries of the cardio-vascular system. The same theory applies to blood vessels in the eye.ConclusionNow that we know that Omega 3 fish oil provides a defence against possible damage to the retina due to diabetes, it is time to be proactive and protect your view before trouble comes knocking.