15 April 2011

Help For Heel Pain

As a dancer, you may experience from time to time of heel pain. This heel pain may be a number of things, and here I would like to discuss some of them.The most common type among the dancers and other athletes heel pain is Plantar Fasciitis, which is an inflammation of the fascia of the the heel bone to the metatarsal bone at the base of the toes. If you have Plantar Fasciitis, you normally wake up with pain on the bottom of your foot near the heel, and that the day will the pain decreases.If the heel hurts you only when you press it or it then press your heel may only be bruised.If you wake up with a sore heel and the pain is getting worse as the day goes on, you may be microscopic cracks or stress fractures in the bones.If the Plantar fascia is drawn slightly out of your the heel bone, you can obtain may be painful and bone growths on the heel called heel spurs.In most cases above, it is best to seek medical care, but here are some useful tips and home remedies to reduce pain while your heel is healing. Homeopathic remedies are quite good, and here is a quick guide on what will work best depending on the type of pain that you meet.If the movement is painful, worse when you take a step forwards, try Ruta graveolens.If the bottom of your foot is stiff in the morning and improves during the day, but worsens when sitting, try Rhus toxiciodendron or Valerian.If you the foot feels better in the air than hanging down when sitting and then try Phytolacca decandra.If you have pain shooting or abrupt and your feet feel better hot than cold and try Stellaria media.For each of the above remedies, take two tablets per day and take them as long as you have pain as directed by your homeopath.Turmeric is also an excellent product to use to relieve the pain of sore heel and stiffness. Take the capsules following the recommendations of the dose on the label.Boswella is used with the old systems of natural healing of the India. This can help relieve pain and inflammation. Try to find a product which contains the turmeric and boswella for maximum efficiency.Have the tight calf muscles can also be a cause of heel pain. If the calf muscle can absorb the constant pounding of running, jumping or other high impact exercises, the shock will heels. Stretch your muscles of the calf by standing on the bottom stairs and cling to the ramp or other stationary object to support. Reduce your heels on the edge of the step that you can comfortably go and feel a stretch of nice. Then raise us on your toes. Repeat this twenty to thirty times each day and you could find yourself the heels of heel pain for good.