27 August 2011

Bifocal lenses

For the majority of us, presbyopia is something, we have to live with that. In the definition, presbyopia is the lack of focus on the things short range. The cause of this, is the lens in our eyes become less flexible we age. The bad part is, most of us will need certain types of corrective lenses, such as glasses or contact lenses and bifocal lenses or even at some point in our lives that this condition was worse still.

Until recently, those wearing bifocal lenses had very limited options when they chose their corrective lenses. Glasses containing bifocal lenses have a years, virtually the only available option. Over the years, no-line lenses have been created and glasses became a little more attractive. It was a very final time for the lens bifocal correction, as they had much better that they have always done in the past: eliminate the bulky and unattractive appearance that they were well known for.

Days now, you can find many types of bifocal lenses on the market. They are gaining in popularity because they give to those who wear bifocal glasses a very interesting alternative to the large glasses. They are also - very affordable which is a more popular choice in the world of the glasses.

What many may not aware, is the fact that bifocal contacts are very similar to lenses of glass in the way they work. With lenses of glass, each separate lens provides a range of adjustments of discussion, one on a distance and another to be close up on something. With Bifocal lenses, both adjustments are included. There are different manufacturers that produce different types of bifocal lenses, which means that it may take you a bit of research and experimentation to find what suits you best.

Some lenses however, are made with a unique design, known as concentric. Similar to the concentric circles, there are two adjustments - one in the medium the other around the outside. These two adjustments in the contact lens are very distinct, with a precise line between them. Although they may seem difficult to use, most people find that they are easy to use with a bit of practice.

A type of bifocal lenses is the aspheric, which have a more gradual change of focus. So much power in the central area of the pupil and similar to the concentric lens, your eye will be immediately fit these lenses and decide on the emphasis that it is better to use.

The lens third and possibly better use bifocal is the lens of translation. As the lens bifocal glass, near correction is at the bottom of the lens and the distance correction is at the top. These lenses are not able to move when in the eye, because they are normally so that they are not able to move around. This can be very good for older people, as these contacts move little matter what you do.

When it comes to bifocal lenses, you should always ask your optician what he thinks is best for your eyes. If you meet the right criteria, chances are that you will be prescribed bifocal lenses. If you wear bifocals, you can find these contacts the perfect solution. You can get bifocal lenses in prolonged clothing, disposable daily, or even conventional - ideal for anyone who likes lots of choice. With lots to choose among, and much to offer - bifocal lenses are the ideal solution for anyone who needs of lens bifocal correction.