25 August 2011

Dance music

While we know that the Jazz is as much a style of music as a dance style, many people may not realize the importance of dance has played in the music. There are many songs out there that mentions the importance of dance, and yet we as a society seem to have forgotten the importance or limited this importance to a certain age group. Once we age it seems that we do not forget only how but also dance the intrinsic importance of dance as well.

"I hope you Dance" is just one of many songs that relate to the importance of the role of dance plays in the power of the human soul. If one thing in life is important for all, that one thing would be to dance whenever the opportunity arises. You never know when you run opportunities for dance or find that you have wasted both of them later. Take them as they come, and your life will be filled with many more great joy that you think may be never. Despite many other songs out there that can convey the message, there are very few who say more concise as this particular song. "When you have the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope that you will have to dance."

Garth Brooks is another musician who had an excellent comment on dance. His song "The Dance" does not necessarily tell the importance of the dance, but to participate. Given the choice, many of those who lost their lives in some risky endeavor told more that likely that those left behind that they would step exchanged dance for a breath more. The song's lyrics are somewhat haunting "I could have missed the pain but I could have missed dance."

Believe it or not, all good songs that mention the dance does not occur to be country songs. These honestly are, in my view, the most poignant. Other major dance songs include "Let's Dance" from David Bowie song. The song's lyrics include the line "let's dance of fear that tonight is all". The truth is that you never know and dance is a great way to celebrate life.

Music and dance for years went hand in hand and will continue to do so if long after we left this earth. At least that would be the hope. I would hate to see what a world without dance would be like. It would be like with children without laugh and who would be a sad world to live. If you want to keep your children dancing then you must teach the dance. Learn them that it is acceptable to dance and be stupid around the House. It is normal to their way through their chores of dance (hey if it makes them smile while removing the garbage I say go for it!). Teach that dance is a great way to express the joy and laughter is the best thing to follow their dance.

The Indians have a long and noble legacy when it comes to dance. They allow their beaten dreams the heartbeat of mother earth and dance in companionship with nature. They dance of joy and sadness, war, peace, and praise. I see no example to follow when it comes to dance.