26 August 2011

Dry eyes and Contacts

If you have dry eyes, contact lenses can be a nightmare. With healthy eyes, a very thin layer of tears will always be under the contact lens. When this layer starts to dry however, the lens will begin to feel dry. Dry eyes of contact can be very irritating, uncomfortable and you try squinch or rub your eyes to seek redress.

Even if contact lenses are a cause of dry others, there are other causes, including being your natural ability to produce for years. Some people will less produce tears, which may indeed be a problem when wearing contact lenses. As you age, the tears that you are able to produce will start to decrease.

The environment is another cause. If you work in a factory or an area which is no longer heated or exposed to dust or smoke, your eyes will begin to dry out. Your eyes are exposed to these types of situations, they will become drier. After a few hours, you find yourself having to remove your contacts due to drought becomes so irritating.

There is however, certain types of contact lenses that can contribute to dry as well. A majority of contact lenses are made of water and polymers, being more than 50% water. Even if the contact is wet and may feel uncomfortable in your eye, water begins to evaporate the contact lens that wear you. When this happens, contact will draw moisture of tears in the eyes, which results in drought. If the contact lens contains a lot of water, then it is almost guaranteed to lose moisture throughout the day.

With drought is a common problem for most people who wear contact lenses, manufacturers are always working to create contacts that will stay comfortable all day. Dry eyes are the most common for irritation reason and the main reason for why people decide to waive contacts and just go with glasses to correct their vision.

All the various contacts on the market, Acuvue Oasys are among the most popular. Although they are relatively new, they are made specially for those who work or who live in dry environments. These contacts contain a special agent for purposes of re-wetting, which allows the contact lens to stay moist, even if your eyes are not produce enough tears. They are daily wear contacts and should be soaked in a solution of night and replaces all two weeks or more.

Even if there are other contact lenses out there that are interesting for the dry eyes, Acuvue are considered to be the best marks. Any type that you contact lens wear, you should always take care of them. You should always clean removed once and let them soak in a solution during the night. In this way, you will remove the build of proteins on the increase and to ensure that you put contact lenses clean back in your eyes.

Even if dry eyes are very common, you can always help to remedy the situation with good pair of contacts. You can also get the drops re-wetting or salt, put in your eyes when they begin to feel dry. These drops are the best way to deal with the eyes dry and irritable, because they help produce enough moisture for comfort. You can purchase and re-wetting or solution saline drops in most stores - and they a little bit of nothing.