25 August 2011

The incredible Importance of dance

Throughout the history of the world, dance has played a vital role in some of the most important and life altering celebrations and ceremonies that have existed. Battles fought and won immediately after the dances of weapons, kingdoms have a lost and celebrated with dances. Kings and sovereigns have been successful then celebrated with dances and weddings were consumed with dances of another nature.

Dance has always been at the Centre of important events up to recent history, when it would appear that the dance and the importance of dance in morale has been lost somewhere in the process. Dance these days seems to be limited to certain persons in certain circumstances or only to those who engage in the art of dance for the entertainment of others rather than the simple joy of dancing for the good of the dance.

Dance is one of those things that should not be a reference in the journal of the history of the world. When man loses the ability to dance for joy, it is really no reason for the race of humanity to continue on. The ability to dance, as an expression to the outside of the emotion is one of those rare things that separates a man a beast.

While the importance of dance appears to have been moved in the last century, or so we are witnessing a renaissance of the kinds of love of dance and beginning to understand some of the most important dance addresses issues. It is much more something is supposed to entertain spectators. It should also hear those who dance.

In addition to the aspect of dance, which should not be diminished, the dance is also a physical activity. We live in a world where our children's expected life expectancy is shorter than the length of life of those who are already adults. The main reason for this is a lack of fitness and an abundance of weight. We must lead by example and show our children that it is important to small things which get us our seats and move. The dance is a great way to do exactly this.

Beyond this, however, dance offers other benefits of physical fitness. By increasing your muscle your and your blood circulation dancing you are giving your heart a "boost battery" so to speak. In doing so, on a regular basis will lead your heart is a heart much more healthy than if you were to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Dancing also relieves stress and releases endorphins if your work up a good sweat so to speak. This makes you feel happy and relieves and reduces instances of depression.

Another great advantage of dance to those who care are the fact that it increases muscle tone and give your body a longer and more lean look over time and a coherent and disciplined training. Some have also noticed a renewed sense of grace and confidence increasing.

Of course, if these reasons are not enough to convince you the important role that dance can play in your life as well as in society then perhaps you just must get out there and dance. Try it, see what a pleasure it is to dance without reason other than to dance and then try to explain why we as a society I should not engage in these activities a little more often.