24 August 2011

Jazz as dance

Although few people understand the true origin of the Jazz as a form of music, fewer people always include the origins of jazz as a style of dance. Jazz is very much a child without a father. More that it however, jazz, music and dance seem to have many mothers despite the fact that they have no father. By this I want to say that there are many influences in this form colorful music and dance well that nobody influences is quite notable in the new creation to be considered the "father" or "mother" of jazz.

Although the jazz has many presumed birth place really has only a single true home and this home is New Orleans. As the music, this city is famous for, New Orleans is a city without a father too. New Orleans is a melting pot in the true sense of the word without real evidence that meant be a melting pot. The influence of French, Spanish, English, German and of course the population of former slaves and free blacks and women, New Orleans is the perfect location for this mixed and mixed the style of music and dance at home.

It is not surprising that jazz dance emerged as the result of jazz music. There is simply no approach adequate dance to the music we have come to know over the years as jazz. For this reason, something new and a little off the coast of the main track was necessary to maintain the time and the pace with new music that was emerging.

A style of dance, jazz was much more "outrageous" that dances in the past had been and in some circles considered unbecoming in isolation. Polite society certainly had no interest in this particular form of dance. The good news for those who liked this style of dance is that there are many places where jazz, as a form of dance and music, was readily embraced. You had to go off-beaten track a bit to find, but for many, it was the efforts.

Music and dance jazz was popular for some time and then seemed to go into hiding, except in cities such as Memphis, New Orleans, Kansas City and St. Louis where it was ingrained part of the history and culture. We have seen a resurgence of this once popular style of music and dance in recent years, however with some notable musicians, the swing and the "big band" sound that goes hand in hand with the jazz as a form of music and a style of dance.

However, you must understand that, when it comes to dance jazz, such as music, there is no definitive rule that you must follow to make it to jazz. There is no rigid dance action which must be followed for the effect of "jazz". Dance jazz often confused as 'tap dance' because the music of tap is often put in jazz music. It is however important to realize that jazz is not limited to tap dance, and other styles of dance fall under the umbrella large enough "jazz dance".

Some of the more common jazz dances include: black background, Boogie Woogie, Cakewalk, Charleston, Jitterbug, Lindy Hop and swing dancing. Each of these dance styles seems rather remarkable return in popularity over the last two decades and are very interesting to look at, and in which to participate should you never had the opportunity.

If you have considered lessons of dance jazz for you or your children, I hope that you will decide to let go. Not only the music for this type of dance excellent, edifying, but the style of dance and himself is quite fun and enjoyable. There is very little of dance styles that can compete when it comes to allowing the artistic licence, goes with the flow and all simply dancing for the pure joy of dance. As an art form and a form of jazz entertainment music and dance are above in my book.