31 August 2011

Prepare Your Koi Pond For Major Storms

Whatever the region where you live, you are bound to come into contact with at least one type of severe weather throughout the year.

Recent events, such as Hurricane Katrina showed us that having it an emergency plan could make the difference between saving your pond and total destruction.

Smaller storms

For smaller storms and storm you more opinion on the preparation is a little more easy then prepare a large storm. Take a few simple steps will help guide your pond through the storm.

(1) Stop your food fish. Your pond contains enough sources of food that your Koi will not starve for a long time. If the storm is any damage to your filtration process, not feeding you fish will be cut on the chances of any problem of ammonia later.

(2) Make as large of water change such that it is possible to your pond. In the case that something is really wrong and you are unable to attend your pond immediately, your Koi will have put more fresh water available to them. Also, let out several inches of water to rain. In this way, there will be less chance of your overflow pond. If you have some type of drainage system, be sure to disable all debris he will work to its full potential. If the pond is at the ground level and high water are expected, you can add protection sand around the bagging area. If nothing else, this can keep your koi confined within the zone if flooding occurs.

(3) Net on your pond to protect against flying debris. Using the same net that you use in the fall to repel the leaves should suffice, as long as you properly secure it down.

(4) Remove anything which could potentially blow away or fall into your pond. A good golden rule, if you can push, can the wind. Elements that could blow away should be completely removed from the area and placed inside.

Large storms

Large thunderstorms as the recent hurricanes prevent any type of preventive measures to be successful. The only real way to save your pond in these types of events is completely remove your fish from the pond.

First of all, it is always a good idea to have all the necessary equipment to transport your Koi side. If you have emergencies with your Koi, you may or may not have the time to make a trip to your local pet store to collect what you need. The equipment necessary to bag and transport Koi is small and easily stored when not in use.

Bags - you must have appropriate transportation Koi bags. Do not try to carry your Koi in the garbage or regular plastic bags, as they are not designed for this and can cause damage to your Koi. Unless remember you to keep the bags you have made your home to koi initially, you need to stay at your local pet store. Make sure you get enough significant bags to hold your Koi.

Rubber bands - you need a few rubber bands for each bag you buy. Make sure that your rubber bands are good quality, that you do not want the pressure of the water to the pop music of the elastic in transport.

NET - you will need to have a large enough to compete with your Koi NET. You will never need the net to take the Koi out of the water, but you will need to carry out and directly your Koi in the place you want. Nets can potentially damage your Koi, especially as the largest they get.

Paint paint bucket - A bucket is a better option for the capture of your Koi as they can affect your Koi as a net. Make sure that your network is large enough to contain your Koi.