23 August 2011

Wind energy as a Viable Solution to the alternative energy needs

Although it is much less expensive initially get connected to the electric company LAN rather than put in place and hook in wind turbines, in the long term a saving money by using the wind for its energy needs - then that more and more independent. Receive does not an invoice of electricity while enjoying the benefits of the way of life focused on the electrically modern is a wonderful feeling.

Electricity and heating bills are steadily increasing - but the cost of the energy of the wind turbine is zero and the cost of installation and hooking a turbine are constantly declining demand increases and more commercial success is made by various companies producing wind turbines and research on technologies to make them always more efficient. In addition, people are moving away the traditional grids and fossil fuels for personal reasons, including the desire for greater independence, the desire to live in remote or rural areas without having to go "primitive", concerns political as fears of terrorist strikes on the fields of oil and electrical networks, or concerns about the environment. Once again, this motivation to escape traditional energy sources is the same that that leads people to seek the power of the wind for their energy, give them more opportunities to profit from the production of the wind turbine and maintenance, resulting in their costs down for consumers. In about 30 States at the time of this writing, the owners who remain on the grid, but who still choose to use wind energy (or other alternative forms) are eligible for rebates or tax relief from State Governments end up paying as much as 50% of the costs of their systems of "green" energy In addition, there are 35 States at the time of writing where the owners are allowed to sell their excess energy to the company of power under what is called the "net metering laws." The rates that are paid by companies to local for this energy are standard retail rates — in other words, the owners are really derive their own energy production.

Some federal lawmakers are pushing to get the Federal Government with the mandate of these relief tax and other incentives for power of the wind in the 50 States. In the Japan and the Germany already have programs of national incentives in place. However, "much of this is managed at the regional level by the law of the State." "It would not really have a role for the Federal Government," said Craig Stevens of the Department of energy. And as might be imagined, there are electricity companies who believe that it is unfair that they should have to pay rates of retail to individuals. "We only should] pay you large rate for... your electricity,"as Bruce Bowen, Director of the Pacific Gas & Electric of regulatory policy."". However, companies appear to be more concerned with the idea of losing the benefits in the short term on the benefits, particularly in the long term, increase use of wind turbines or wind farms. Head of the pole of energy efficiency and renewable energy Technologies of California V. John White said, "quality power that strengthens the grid".