29 February 2012

Participating in Experimental Cancer Treatments Can Be Helpful For Some Late Stage Cancer Patients

A cancer patient who has exhausted all other forms of traditional treatment can often see an experimental treatment against cancer as a last resort. Many times these patients will be offered a chance to participate in some type of clinical trial for a new treatment protocol that specifically relates to their specific type of cancer. Oncologists often suggest clinical trials for phase four patients who did not necessarily as a means to affect a cure, but to advance scientific knowledge as it advances in the field of cancer treatment.

Experimental treatments against cancer are made for new cancer drugs that are considered as potential treatments. Anyone considering taking part in any type of trial medication should not forget that any medicine against cancer which is currently available began as an experimental drug. Each drug entering the market should never be a clinical trial as part of its approval by the Federal Drug Administration to determine its effectiveness and whether or not it causes significant side effects.

New drugs are discovered every day in research laboratories in all the United States. Due to the stringent requirements of research and development, however, they take years before they finally made it to market. Most of this time is taken by the trial process are subject to which they are given to man so that doctors can assess their safety and effectiveness. In most cases, patients participating in a clinical trial are those who have no hope of a cure through a more traditional treatment. Each trial has three phases that must be passed before the drug can be approved by the FDA.

Currently tests are conducted using drugs against cancer which have been developed using Clostridium novyi, an anaerobic bacteria that can eat outside on the inside of a tumor low in oxygen. Another clinical trial is also underway on a drug that has been obtained using human breast milk and is being tested on people with certain types of skin cancer and some types of bladder cancer.

Anyone who has cancer and is interested in participating in a clinical trial should discuss with their oncologist to be able to advise on the advantages and disadvantages of such a treatment protocol. He or she may even find a trial that is offered locally.

Participate in a clinical trial is not for everyone. Patients may be exposed to drugs that have serious side effects that can cause problems for them. These drugs are rarely the cause of their cancer getting worse, but can do nothing to help them do better. It's really a matter of choice to be discussed closely with their oncologist and family members.