29 February 2012

Real Facts You Should Know About Cancer

Cancers are not created equal. Different segments of the population face distinct challenges and risk factors when it comes to health and cancer. Most people regard cancer as a "one size fits all" disease rather than looking to him as a condition that can affect different population groups in different ways. Cancer can affect anyone. Whatever your age, your gender, ethnic origin, or your social status can be, you are not immune to cancer. While cancer affects everyone, minority groups have higher risks of developing cancer.

Why are minorities most at risk?

There is no precise answer to this question. Numerous studies show that it is due to the interrelationship and interconnection of various genetic, environmental and social. For example, African Americans are more prone to certain types of cancer due to heredity, socio-economic difficulties and inadequate access to appropriate health care. Some Asian countries are also at risk for other cancers because of their lifestyle, beliefs and traditions.

Whether you belong to the minority or not, it is important that you visit your doctor regularly for consultations and examinations. Undergo evaluation and testing to identify the risk of certain cancers. Talk with your doctor how you can manage these risks and how you can prevent cancer affect you.

Screening and Testing

There is no such thing as too early when it comes to cancer screening and testing. Although there are some types of cancer (prostate cancer and breast cancer for example) which are usually broadcast during your 40 or 50, it would be wise to undergo cancer screening and testing procedures, especially if you have a familial predisposition or hereditary risk. And with changing lifestyles in recent years, it would be wise to start taking annual reviews of cancer during your mid to late 20s. Early detection increases the survival rate significantly.

Harmful household cleaning products

Did you know that certain chemicals found in your household cleaning products are not only harmful but also carcinogenic (cancer formation)? Beware of products containing chemicals such as ammonia, diethanolamine (DEA), chlorine, triethanolamine (TEA), butyl cellosolve and alkylphenol ethoxylates (APE). These chemicals not only cause cancer, but a plethora of other medical conditions as well.

The cigarette

Smoking is the number one cause of almost all types of cancers. Although smoking is dangerous and directly increases your risk of developing cancer, secondhand smoke can be just as dangerous as, or even more dangerous than direct smoke. Aside from quitting smoking, you should also avoid breathing toxic fumes and smoke and avoid being with smokers.

With information being only a little further fingertips these days, there is no excuse not to be aware about cancer and how you can prevent it. Self-awareness is the key to avoid the debilitating effects of cancer. Know your risk factors, get a screening or testing process, and make healthier choices.