02 March 2012

How to Repair Stucco

Stucco is a siding product made from cement that is extremely popular across the country. Compared to other coating materials, it is relatively easy to maintain and repair. This article explains how to repair cracks and nicks, paint and stucco. Traditional stucco is a mixture of Portland cement, lime, sand and water. It is usually about 3/4 inch thick, very porous, and clings to paint very well. Color can also be mixed with the finish coat of stucco, which eliminates the need to paint.

Repair of cracks

The stucco is hard, but brittle and sometimes crack as a house settles or moves. Cracks should not be repaired, so you do not have to attempt to fix any cracks. If you can not get your fingernail in the crack, the paint usually fill it. For cracks up to 1/4 inches wide, you can repair them with a high degree of quality, exterior acrylic latex.

Clear debris out of the slot using a V-shaped object to get the bottom in the slot. Then you can brush it, or use a vacuum. Seal cracks with caulking silicone paint and smooth with your finger. With your finger, it is easier to exactly match the existing texture. Use the type of weather stripping 50 years for best results.

Wipe off excess caulk with a damp sponge in all directions to clean the rough texture. Here's a tip. Put a little sandy texture in the palm of your hand and blow the sand to scatter the wet caulking. This will rough up the surface which makes it less sensitive.

Repair cracks and wider grooves

For this work, you need to use a stucco patching compound. To keep the material properly, just the right amount of water must be added. Follow the manufacturer's instructions. Carefully clean the crack or gouge you've done for small cracks. Use a putty knife or trowel to fill the area with a latex product correction. Thin the compound patch for the consistency of something like pancake batter. Dab a brush into the wet material and holding one hand between the brush and the wall, hit the handle of the brush against your hand splashing the material on the repair area. This technique is the texture of surrounding stucco. You can smooth it with a putty knife or trowel to the texture you want after the compound hardens a little.

Painting stucco

For smaller jobs, use a roller. Use an airless sprayer for larger jobs. For best results, do not use a brush for stucco other than to add texture. Spray paint on the surface, then use a 3/4-1 inch nap roller inch deep to work the paint into the surface of uniform texture. It usually takes two coats of stucco to cover enough because stucco is so porous. It may also require a second coat to cover small cracks and your repairs.