15 April 2011

Best Nail Fungus Treatment - Find Out How To Treat Onychomycosis At Home The Natural Way!

Infection fungal nail, also called Onychomycosis, is usually caused by a fungus which belongs to the Group of dermatophytes, but yeast and moulds may also be responsible for this condition. All of these organisms live in warm, moist environments such as swimming pools and showers, and they can penetrate skin through small cuts, especially if you are continuously exposed to the heat and humidity, which are the ideal conditions for growth and the proliferation of fungi.The Mycosis of nails occurs more frequently in nail in the nail, because nails are often exposed to moisture inside the shoes. Another possible reason is that blood flow directed to nail is lower than fingernails, which makes it more difficult for the Elimination of infection by the immune system.Risk factors: Onychomycosis is more common in the elderly for several reasons, such as blood circulation decreased and increased exposure to fungus in their lives. The Mycosis of nails tends to affect more men than women, and particularly those with a family history of this condition.Other factors that increase the likelihood of Onychomycosis include: ExcessiveTravaillant sweating in an environment humideSouffrant psoriasisPorter shoes that do not absorb sweat and the chaussettesMarcher barefoot in wet public places such as swimming poolsgymnasiums and vestiairesSouffrant of foot of athlèteAyant of small lesions of the skin or nails, nail endommagéSouffrant diabetes or conditions that affect the immune system.Symptoms: You are likely to suffer infection fungal nail, if one or more of your nails: are thicker that the fragile normaleSont or fragileSont déformésSont of dark in colorThe condition can be very painful and can cause permanent damage to the nails. It can also cause other serious infections that can spread to other parts of the body, if your immune system is weakened because of drugs, diabetes or other diseases. Onychomycosis is particularly dangerous for patients with diabetes and those with weakened immune systems, for example because of leukemia or AIDS. Diabetes however minor injury to the foot, including Onychomycosis, may lead to more serious complications. In these cases, you should go to the doctor immediately.A natural cure: garlic: Garlic has relatively potent antifungal activity. If you combine white vinegar, you two powerful weapons against this type of infection. Simply peel and cut three cloves of garlic and place them in a bowl with half a cup of white vinegar. Leave for at least an hour and soak a cotton ball in the mixture, and treat infected areas.