23 April 2011

Diabetic Nerve Damage - Learn to Stop and Reverse It Now

Diabetes is a serious disease and without adequate control of blood glucose excess can cause nerve and organ damage to your body. One of the biggest problems is that nerve lesions are a slow, degenerative process. Several times, you know damage occurs until the damage is permanent and painful.Pain, burning, tingling or loss of sensation in the feet and hands are examples of damage that may occur when your glucose is out of control. It is peripheral neuropathy. Abnormal sweating is another example of nerve lesions such as dizziness when standing. Some people suffer from problems swallowing and keep food down. Other symptoms are intestinal problems, problems urinating and infections of the bladder and kidney. Many women suffer extensible yeast infections. Diabetes causes erectile dysfunction to some men. In members that cannot be cured and could lead to amputation, infections occur for some diabetics. Damage to the nerves of the eyes is one of the major causes of blindness in the United States.How can you stop and reverse nerve damage? The best way is to acquire a control tight your diabetes. With diet and exercise, it is more important to check how the foods you eat affect your blood glucose. If you do not take into account this critical step, you will have an index that lasagna that you have for lunch is originally a big spike in your meter reading. The thing about pasta, is that some diabetics say that it does not cause their sugar to increase. It is because they have tested 2 hours after their meal. But pasta is generally slow to digest and it could take up to 5 hours to register on your blood glucose meter. You can not have increased after dinner, but this subject that spike weird at sunset? It is the pasta checking in...Let you know that it is still there.Here are the steps to follow to get this tight control; Measure your blood glucose at least 4 - 5 times each day.Measure the first thing that morning, as soon as you get.Measure 2 hours after each meal.Measure before turning at night.Keep a log of the rise and fall of your statements of counters. You'll probably see that grains and sugars are the worst offenders for the numbers of high concentration of glucose. Grains include bread, pasta, rice, oats, barley, rye and quinoa: you get the idea. Because bread is "Whole wheat" does not really mean that it is a healthy choice for a diabetic. Let your measuring device be your guide. Fruit will also result in your sugar to boost. Best for diabetics to eat fruit are berries. This includes blueberries, strawberries and raspberries. An Apple a day may keep the doctor away, but for diabetics, it could also cause a rapid rise of glucose, so keep the fruit to a minimum.Many physicians will tell you to check your sugar on arising and before going to bed. If you choose only the time to test, you will not know what food really triggers your blood glucose, and what foods are not.Do experiments. Test your blood glucose and then eat your favorite foods. Test your blood after an hour. Record the reading. Test again after 2 hours. Record the reading. What is telling you your meter? Your number of sugar may be close to normal, read an hour, but if she spikes to very many after 2 hours, you know that it is a food to avoid. If your blood count is in the normal range, it's a food, you can actually eat and enjoy. You can learn that some of your favourite dishes are causing the greatest number of sugar. If your reading of 2 hours is more than 140 years, it is time to reconsider what you eat. You need to find a replacement that keeps your blood counter in the security zone.Numerous studies show that numbers regulated blood of 140 and higher numbers and the fasting blood more than 100 permanent nerve and organ damage and cause your diabetes to progress.Nerve lesions are frightening, painful and potentially fatal. It is very important to keep your blood counts failed and under control. You have the power to know how to adjust your blood glucose. It is an achievable objective. The decision to eat right, exercise on a regular basis with blood constant monitoring will allow you to control your diabetes and prevent, halt and reverse nerve damage.