23 April 2011

How to Balance Your Insulin With What You Eat

Small meals throughout the day. One of the most important means to maintain levels of insulin is not to consume too many carbohydrates or protein at every meal. Although carbohydrates has a powerful effect stimulating insulin, protein can also stimulate its output.By not eating too much of one or a meal, you are well on your way to balance your insulin. You should have a protein at every meal. Protein hormone main role is to stimulate the release of glucagon is a hormone of mobilization.Glucagon is also a real good job on the control of the release of insulin. Therefore, if you really want to balance your insulin, protein is what you need. But beware too eat protein and do not forget that the Palm of your hand is a good rule to go your protein measurement.At a meal never eat more protein that fit in the Palm of your hand. Your body manage no more than that, to a meal, and any excess protein to a meal is transformed into fat. Always eat your fruits and vegetables, any person may eat a cup of pasta, but it is difficult to eat six cups steamed broccoli.But both contain the same amount of carbohydrates.bur remember the fruit and vegetables are carbohydrates of low density. The ingestion of carbohydrates mainly low density, such as fruits and vegetables, you set up a natural control system that allows control of the total amount of carbohydrate consumed with a meal.And fiber carbohydrates of low density contributes to slow down the rate of entry of carbohydrates in the bloodstream, thus reducing the secretion of insulin. In contrast, grains, starches, pasta and bagels are of very high density carbohydrates, which means it is very easy to eat too many of them.This is why it is recommended with carbohydrates high density in small quantities, such as condiments, if you want to control your insulin. Always choose low fat sources of protein such as chicken, Turkey, fish, low fat ricotta or products soy bean based.Some carbohydrates should be combined with proteins and fats, to keep your insulin in failure rate. Small portions of lean meat, including chicken, fish and healthy fats in olive oil, canola oil, fish oil should be consumed with small servings of whole grains to get the best health benefits.Some suggestions for non-starchy vegetables, with a low Glycemic content should be consumed in your diet. It's a few choices: * broccoli * asparagus * lawyer * cauliflowerLegumes such as beans, peas, peanuts and soybeans are also in good health for people who are resistant to insulin.It comes to weight loss programs fit to help you not only to achieve your weight loss goals but feel great too.