23 April 2011

Type 2 Diabetes - Four Easy Steps to Type 2 Diabetes Prevention!

Type 2 diabetes is one of the major causes of chronic complications and disability in the United States according to Healthfinder.gov. Here are some of the more frequent complications related to this condition when poorly controlled: serious eye and problems of the kidneys that can compromise your quality of viemaladies of the heart... people with diabetes have 2 to 4 times the risk of heart disease and stroke normalDiabète type 2 is characterized mainly by an increase in blood sugar levels coupled with an increase in resistance to insulin, a special course a chemical substance that facilitates the transport of sugar in the blood energy intake in individual cells.According to Healthfinder.gov, once the Type 2 diabetes begins his trip, he can never be cured. But don't lose heart! The good news is that this form of diabetes may certainly be controlled.For those who fear that they a high risk of developing this health problem, there was other good news: Type 2 diabetes can be delayed and prevented.So, can what steps you take? 1 Control your weight: many people overweight eventually have Type 2 diabetes. In fact, according to a study published in 2006 by the postgraduate medical journal, 86% of overweight patients have Type 2. In addition, even a modest five percent weight reduction would improve their impact on health and increase their chances against continues on this complication.2 of health. Eat right: eating healthy foods is considered by the Healthfinder.gov as one of the most important steps for the prevention of Type 2 diabetes. That means eating right? eat regularly. This means from your day by eating breakfast and then not go five days without a meal or a snack. Keeping food in your system, you can avoid wild fluctuations of sugar in the sangmanger of the balanced meals... include proteins and carbohydrates at each meal at least one fruit or légumegarder meats and poultry portions to the minimummanger lots of fruits and légumesmanger a little less everythingexcept the légumesTaillez fats: eat more lean, boneless meat and dairy products Skinless poultry and low in fat or reduced grasapprendre to share your individual servings of dessert with an another personnemanger of small meals... and learn to eat lentementjamais hunger you mêmeréduire your favorite dishes. Never try to cut them eliminate complètementn' never forget to have healthy food choices when eating the nder. Be more active: as mentioned by Healthfinder.gov, having regular physical activity can reduce your risk of Type 2 diabetes. Two years and a half hours of exercise during the week can make a big difference to your health.4. Have good control of your blood pressure and cholesterol.Type 2 diabetes can really be delayed or prevented. Having a healthy lifestyle is the best defence against this disease. So why not take charge of your health and start to reinvent your lifestyle today?