17 April 2011

The History of Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu therapy is today known as a combination of various pressures of finger on key point different domains in the human body. He is known as a technique of Japanese massage which works in the weighting of the chi in the body to prevent and suppress the disease. This is accomplished by keeping free energy which flows in our body as blocked meridians points are supposed to be the cause of most of the diseases in individuals. That is why the balancing of the chi or energy is vital with a health condition that can have a position against any attack of disease, such as colds, depression and many others.Shiatsu dates back to the ancient Japan as a form of alternative healing during this period. Each family member is knowledgeable in shiatsu massage technique so that someone in the family can heal all members of the family and keep them in good health. Massage therapists are called Teate, who are usually women or blind people in Japanese society.In 1912, a story was told of a boy who, at the age of seven years, has used a healing technique, relieving the pain and stress of rheumatoid arthritis mother by applying different pressure on his thumb and palm trees. This boy was Tokujiro Namikoshi, which subsequently founded in 1940 in the College of Shiatsu Japan where many practitioners of shiatsu began taking formal lessons in massage therapy shiatsu. Zen Shiatsu was developed subsequently by a former student who became professor at the school of Tokujiro Namihoshi appointed Shizuto Masunaga. These people had the privilege and honour to address some of the richest personalities and high level of the Japan during their time.The method of Shiatsu is the first book published on Shiatsu which was written by Tenpeki Tamai in 1919. He was considered by many to be the first to use and mentioned shiatsu term. Tokujiro Namikoshi and many others developed and improved Japanese shiatsu on other different methods and for those that they became popular, even if it was the book published in 1970 and is the author of the famous Shizuto Masunaga which becomes instrumental in making popular Shiatsu everywhere in the world. It is also due to visit and the treatment of then famous Marilyn Monroe, who was examined and treated by Tokujiro Namikoshi shiatsu who also made a popular natural treatment outside the Japan. Since the spread of different shiatsu massage therapies has swept Europe and in North America.In prior periods of massage shiatsu, the practice is known to be based on ancient Chinese drugs by acupuncture. However after the second world war, this ancient practice of healing was ordered to be prohibited because of several reports of therapists using fine needles on meridian points on the body of the patient. The prohibition of shiatsu and its ancient Chinese practices was stopped by Helen Keller. Today, the methods of shiatsu are a mixture of Western practices and Chinese medicines. While some methods do stick with the practices of the West, similar practices are always kept in their methods. Massage shiatsu may have branched into many methods; However their aim of relaxation and healing of the body is always the same.