21 April 2011

Acne Treatment Ingredients

When to get rid of acne, peroxide and benzoyl salicylic acid are two ingredients you'll see in products for treatment of acne that you use the most common treatment. This is because both of these agents are highly effective for the prevention and treatment of acne and other skin diseases acute, although they work in different ways. As with other drugs or treatment option, there are cases in which one is more effective than the other to get rid of acne, or that any of these ingredients of treatment will affect your skin in unwanted ways. If you are looking for the processing option that works well for you, it might be useful to know a little more on these two commonalities of acne products. To this end, here is some information on peroxide and benzoyl salicylic acid and their effectiveness to get rid of acne: # 1 acne treatment ingredients ~ benzoyl peroxide: 1) benzoyl peroxide is an antibacterial agent, making it an ingredient in treatment of acne, even for those who suffer from acne. Most of the acne is, at its core, a bacterial infection. Much of the swelling and irritation acne is a skin reaction to mild bacterial infection. By skin disinfection with benzoyl peroxide, prevent you other infections to take place. (Since it is an antiseptic, this treatment he also tends to be severe on the skin.2) are commonly found in the ingredients processing, but only in low concentrations (usually around 2% to 10%) because it is extremely powerful. Studies show that more is not necessarily better when it comes to benzoyl peroxide. Upping the concentrations of the chemical on your own can do more harm than good when it comes to getting rid of acne. (Benzoyl peroxide concentrations tend to make havoc on the general condition and the health of your skin.3) benzoyl peroxide is also a drying agent. When used regularly, it will be dry until your acne, which makes it a less welcoming place for bacteria to stroll. It is a good thing, but if too much is used, it can also cause skin peeling. This is actually another common use of benzoyl peroxide - dry exfoliation and the dead skin cells, but not abuse, as you have only so much skin! (4) apart from peeling skin and get rid of acne, benzoyl peroxide has a bleaching effect, so you should be careful when you use it, and keep away from tissue stained and even your hair. (# 2 acne treatment ingredients ~ salicylic acid linoleic) salicylic acid is one of the best ingredients extracted from willow tree processing. It was used since the beginning of time to cure inflammations of the skin as well as to provide a remedy for fever. (C'est_un_agent_anti-inflammatoire_qui_rend_un_traitement_grand_comme_l'acné_est_essentiellement_une_inflammation_de_la_peau,_il_peut_donc_être_une_grande_aide_à_se_débarrasser_dele_de_acne.2) not only for the treatment of acne salicylic acid can also be used to treat other diseases of the skin such as the psoriasisverrues and keratosis.3) salicylic acid are found in products for the treatment of approximately 0.5 to 2%. As with benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid is powerful stuff - a little goes a long way.4) as salicylic acid benzoyl peroxide also has a peeling effect if it is used on a regular basis. (Peeling is a great way to eliminate dead skin cells and prevents clogging of pores - another way to get rid of the acne.5) even if one of the most common side effects of the use of salicylic acid is the dryness of the skinusually, this happens on a minimal basis and can easily be corrected as long as it is still in its early stages of the drought. Any moisturizer specific acne is enough without interfering with your efforts to get rid of acne.Although salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are effective agents for the treatment of acne ingredients, you should take the time to determine which of the two is the most compatible with your skin.